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Every time I get in the game and I press play it kicks me out

saldy this is as your device’s ram can’t hold the whole file size! It won’t be able to play unless you can get past the play button and set the quality to low as it reduces the space needed! Very sorry D:


Does anyone know how to stop it from lagging because when I went to a certain slot it just kicked me out

Sadly this is due to not having the ram capacity to run the app properly! To reduce lag you can set the quality to low :D


if you go into ‘options’ at the bottom of the screen once your in the game you can change quality from high to low :D


OMG best mod in the world you can do side base front base too!!!!!

sadly not as we are  no longer updating the mod and I don’t know how to code much more than the minimum! Thank you though, I’m glad you like it!!


When will you repair the mobile errors?

sadly we won’t be fixing them due to being busy with other things and the fact that little to nobody uses he mod as of the release of Gacha nebula and Gacha life 2! Very sorry and hope you can still enjoy the mod! D:


Hi! I love the mod so much! It looks so cool, I previously downloaded it on a different device and I have a bit of a problem on the device I'm on now, which is an Amazon Fire tablet. I downloaded it and for some reason, after barely even A minute of playing the game, it would force quit itself and reset it self, deleting all the progress on the game. I don't know if it is because the device itself or it's the application. But from my past experiences with the game on a separate device, the game is awesome! 

sadly its a mix of the device and app!  the app is a really large file due to the amount of assets and the format/size of each of them,= so takes up a lot of ram meaning that it can only run on faster devices (which is what causes crashes when on some mobile devices!) D:
If you do manage to enter the game a way you can reduce it is by setting it to low quality and making sure you 'exit' the game when you close it as that's what will save your progress :)

I'm glad you like it and i hop changing the quality will help reduce lag :DD


i love your mod! <3 i hope soon your can update it <3


Hi um just wanted to say that, because the file name is "gacha club" it replaces the original gacha club app if you have it installed. I think changing the file name would be enough but im not sure, so u can just look it up or ask other devs. Have a great day <3


hi! Ty for the help but sadly I’m not sure how to do that! Just renaming doesn’t work as if I rename the exe it changes nothing and if I rename the data it doesn’t link to the exe right so the game doesn’t work :’)

Iv asked around and nobody’s responded so sadly I have to leave it as a replacement D:

tysm for the advice though!! :]


np :D

Holas, no me abre el teclado, haciendo q prácticamente no me deje hacer casi nada. Pero fuera de eso esta bueno


No soy muy de escribir comentarios, pero esta app/juego de gacha es el mejor que he jugado, lo amo y me encantan todas las cosas y accesorios que hay. Para mí sería un 10/10!🤗

¡gracias! significa mucho :D


Me alegró muchísimo! :D✨

It keepskeepz kicking me out :(

sadly this is due to lag! Make sure to set game quality to low as it helps reduce crashing!


I can't it kicks me when I got on the home screen

ahh I see, this is likely as the file is too large to run on your device sorry D:


I got a new pc and I downloaded it and it worked its A M A Z I N G



ᥲᥡ ᥕᥱᥡ ᥒ᥆ mᥱ ძᥱȷᥲ ⌓̈⃝

ta'akad min hadhf gacha club awlaan! :D
make sure you delete gacha club first! :D
(asf 'iidha kanat altarjamat khatiatan)
(sorry if translation is wrong!)

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I have iOS device… I DONT HAVE GACHA CLUB!!!! I Have Only Gacha Life 2! So Uhhhh 

Really? I NEED TO MAKE GOOD OCS WITH THIS! I Lost My Android Phone To Person Cuz They I Need Sell It I CANT GET IT BACK! And My Dad Has Android but he’s away to Dallas. So Uhhhh

Also I Don’t Have Computer My Brother has laptop but I can’t use it. But Brother Have Computer But Idk Where’s Is It So For Now On. Gacha Life 2 Codes Lol You Can Give Gacha Life 2 Ocs! :3

sadly the mod won’t work on iOS due to copyright issues! D:

I hope you can get your phone back or another one though! Goodluck! :D



5se 05 6c en e3 06d y 3e agregue c6sas de3 06s y 3e 0anb5e c6sas


This mod is so cute here's my cat in this mod


I wish it didn't need me to delete gacha club :(

It is annoying but I’m not a great coder and didn’t know how to change it sorry! D:

I cant download that it's not workingಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

Make sure you have deleted regular Gacha club first! :D


I love your mod but I wanna ask a question, are you still working on fixing the Android version? 

so, sadly not!
This is for two reasons, firstly most of the bugs I never found fixes for even when I asked other mod creators and secondly, while some people still use the mod it’s an extremely small amount compared to how it was at the beginning as many moved on to Gacha nebula or Gacha life 2, this means I would really only be fixing them for a few people which for the time it would take sadly isn’t worth it D:

Very sorry and hope you understand! Also tysm, I’m glad you like it! :]


It's fine I don't really see any bugs with the mod for me, by the way I'm in your Walls pookie


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