It seems like the app "Hacker's Keyboard" fixes the problem of the keyboard not showing when trying to type in a character's profile, i do not know if this will work for everyone, but, while the developers are working on the fix, you should try this if you are having this problem.......
can you show a video? Maybe you did something wrong
Usually I just click on the notification, click on the text box and the keyboard appears and can be used, maybe it has something to do with your device? It worked every time I tried to do it
I have a problem and that is that when I want to put two characters close, either because they are walking and get closer, the clothes glitch and disappear (specifically with the mod's clothes), and my other complaint is that, on the PC, the gacha . It's missing hair and things that are there on the cell phone and in other mods too, I would like you to add them back here please, I want you to please fix those errors because the mod is very good and I wouldn't want to throw it away
we will not be adding any new assets, including the ones on cellphone, they are missing as we used the pc version of Gacha club to make the mod so it’s not a bug. Secondly the disappearing asset issue happens when you use too many new assets on an oc, we currently have no fix as we have asked a lot of mod creators and they can’t find a fix :’)
the reason it’s not saving is as to save you need to click ‘exit’ every time, this is why it won’t save if it crashes! it’s crashing due to lag which we are working to fix :)
try to save your characters with the Export and Import function, you can paste the code that you copied by pressing on the text box at Import and clicking on "Paste" 🤤
we are aware, sadly yes, it’s due to wearing too many assets! We currently will not be able to fix this as we have asked many mod creators and they haven’t found a fix yet :(
PT - BR: Mal dá para usar. Quando eu toco para começar, começa a ficar lento, depois de alguns segundos usando o mod, ele trava e sai na minha cara. Como resolvo isso? é algum bug ou é essa mrd de tablet? Mas mesmo assim, o mod parece ser incrível ♡
ENG - USA: It’s barely usable. When I tap it to start it starts to get slow, after a few seconds of using the mod it freezes and comes out in my face. How do I fix this? Is it a bug or is it my sh-tty fkn crappy tablet? But still looking amazing, if i could use it normally ♡
O problema não é o seu tablet, tente mudar a qualidade do jogo para baixa, ajuda um pouco, os desenvolvedores já sabem desse problema e estão tentando o consertar.
eu vi que você contou isso para outra pessoa, mas enfim, obg pela ajuda!
edit: MEU DEUS DO CÉU TU É UM GÊNIO FUNCIONOU 😭😭😭😭💞😭💞😭💞💞💞😭💞💞💞😭🎉💞✨😭💞💞💞💞😭🎉👽💖💖
edit 2: mintira só rodou por alguns minutos :’( vou voltar a usar gacha project ultimate trouble ou eu procuro por outro…
infelizmente sim, você pode salvar seus personagens ao usar as funções Exportar e Importar pra você não os perder para sempre, por enquanto você pode usar outros mods até a atualização do Gacha luminal sair 😍😊
Sinceramente, o mod é muito bom, mas eu queria que colocassem os narizes antigos, porque tem uma parte pequena da comunidade que usa esses narizes mais realistas para dar o diferenciado, se puderem ver isso eu agradeço muito☹️
With the PC version of the game, do I have to delete my main gacha save or not? I want to download it there, but I am cautious to until I can figure that out.
Is it like a few other mods where its separate on pc? By that, I mean it's separate as in it'll be a new copy separate from your main gacha club? I don't want my characters to be deleted like it does with android..
You should start to save your characters with the Export and Import function, copy the code and save it somewhere else so that you don't just lose it like that 😅
I've downloaded the mod and it's amazing... except for one problem, I can't type in any of the boxes for the profile, nor can I import characters. As in my keyboard won't pop up, but the keyboard works for everything else (hence the comment). I'm not sure if it's just me, but if it's something on your end it would be great to get fixed. (Also before you ask, I already tried uninstalling and re-installing)
You can still paste the code that you copied by pressing on the text box in Import and clicking on "Paste", it appears to me, I don't know if it appears to you
That's good to know, also, i found an app that allows you to type in the text boxes, look at the latest comment i have made, it has the links to the app and the videos showing how I did this.
you are not dumb at all 😅 I don't know why it does not work for you, this always worked on every phone that I have tested this on, I didn't think about what to do if it didn't work, I am the dumb one for thinking that this method will work for everyone 🤦♂️
This is my 3rd time re trying to download it on my android, the first i had mods and realized they must deleted (so there gone sadly) the 2cd i deleted it and it still said forbidden (so i deleted the full file of it) this is the 3rd time trying to download it and been waiting but it keeps saying forbidden :( this is the only device i can download Mods on i dont know what to do :(
it’s only mods that replace Gacha club! If you still have the Og installed that will be the issue (as you only mentioned deleted mods), other than that I’m sadly not sure :(
the "Forbidden" message did appear when I tried to download the apk once, but then I tried again and the "Forbidden" message did not appear anymore, I don't know why it keeps appearing to you, try to download the apk through other links(try the ones below), if all of them also say forbidden, try to download it using a different browser, if that doesn't work either, try to search how to fix this issue, I am sure that you will find a way 🙏
I have been here since day 1 ! Super exited to play! (Before I play I'll update y'all) EDIT: my game froze. My tablet crashed. I have a very fast speed tablet. Please fix this asap.
This is one of the oc's I made as I was getting use to the mod and I absolutely love the mod especially the little tummy pudge in the jackets as it can be used for so many things!
The Developers are probably already aware of this glitch but thought I should share this with you people
I always save my character after a while so the occasional crashes don't bother me a lot, but when I click on page 5 of Hair Acessory the game immediately crashes, sometimes it doesn't crash and I am able to select the accesories, but then I go to page 6 and it crashes, kind of annoying, after many attempts, I was able to finish my ocs so it's ok, can't wait for it to be fixed 🤣🤣
it should work already for 32 bit, one of our preset designers has 32 bit and it worked for them so it may be another issues (maybe you need to delete Gacha club?)
i can't download the mod, when i go to download it it says it is installing but it keeps saying installing even if i have space idk what is up- but from the photos it looks lovely! and when i can install it would i love to try it out!
the music for the background is very lovely! and i love the logo! i like how you changed the presets and the weirdcore vibe! tho i do have a few nit picks of presonal biaus: i don't really like the fact some of the assets have been replaced because i can understand why that might be like for time sakes or not knowing how to code really. I also don't really like the fact the base of this mod is made off a older verison of gacha but other then that the mod is really cool i love the colthing and the png export feature, you should really download the mod if you want ^^
The assets were replaced as the mod was started early 2022, at the time it was not know that we could add new assets and when it was found out we were too far in to change any of it! Also the older version is the pc version as the mod was made on pc :)
I tried again and it worked now, Pretty weird that it kept making me have to wait like a year multiple times yesterday [I tried to download it like 10 times]
I love it sm I absolutely love weirdcore and dreamcore. It's just really glitchy and kicks me off as soon as I make a character and deletes the characters it doesnt work to well but I expect that as it's just been made and I appreciate all the work and effort it's amazing and I'm really excited:)
Olá anjinho, não consigo entrar, tipo assim quando eu entro vai numa boa mas quando vou lá e coloco minha idade e entro da pra ver um pouco mas aí do nada a tela fica preta e o gacha sai, vc poderia por gentileza ajeitar isso pq eu queria muito fazer minha oc😞😿
O aplicativo fecha sem você ter apertado em algo? Pra mim o aplicativo abre, porém trava muito e fecha depois de um tempo, se limpar o cache do aplicativo, reinstalar o aplicativo e reiniciar o seu dispositivo não resolve o problema, é melhor esperar pela atualização 😅
Se por alguma chance você conseguir abrir o aplicativo, tente fazer o que eu te falei
Aliás, não é necessário desinstalar o Gacha Art e nem outros mods do gacha Club para conseguir instalar o Gacha Luminal, você pode usar um editor de apk(APK Editor) para mudar o nome do pacote do aplicativo e assim você poderá instalar qualquer mod sem ter que desinstalar outros, você terá que fazer isso toda ver que tiver esse problema ao tentar instalar um mod, mas funciona 🤣🤣
eu não tenho apk editor, pior que tá acontecendo oq aconteceu no meu celular tá acontecendo do mesmo jeito no celular da minha mãe, mas vou esperar as atualizações acho que vai funcionar quando atualizarem, obg de novo pela ajuda de novo♥️
Espero que você possa jogar quando a atualização for lançada, mesmo com o app travando continuo a jogar porque é um mod muito maneiro, posso te enviar um link do apk editor que eu uso e te mostrar um vídeo que eu gravei ensinando como mudar o nome do pacote ☺️
I know that you are upset but please stop commenting the same thing over and over, it will not solve the problem, Team Luminal has already read your comments, you need to properly explain what's the problem so that they can help you, wish you the best 🙏🙏
again, please do not post this much. Please reply to the comment instead of posting new ones each time! Your device may not allow downloads from or you have an app that means it won’t download (gacha club or a mod that replaces it)
The download went smoothly, but once I try to install it couldn't open it as an app. I'm not exactly sure if I have to delete the gacha club itself so it can install properly as intended or another way of sort.
I liked the mod, the problem is that it has a replacement system, and it took away items that I used to make oc's, other than that, the mod is very cool (i used translator, sorry bout my poor english) edit: there's this very annoying glitch that makes things go invisible??
For some reason, the GIF doesn't play completely, but it's meant to show me trying to import an oc with no modified values, but from a different mod (Gacha Unlocked) and it says it imported, but nothing happens. But when I copy the code for the default boy, and import that to a different slot, it works.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the keyboard doesn't work
I tried to import a character from Gacha unlocked to Gacha luminal the same that way you did and it worked!
I made a character in Gacha unlocked, Exported the Code and imported it to Gacha luminal, it Worked, but strangely, on the first attempt at importing the character, the color of the shirt was black, but the color was supposed to be a color similar to peach(the color of the shirt had same color as the skin), and then, on the second attempt at importing the character, the color of the shirt was back to normal, I imported the character a few more times, but the glitch of the black shirt never happened again!
Though I have not tested if importing characters from various mods to Gacha luminal works properly, I haven't found any major issues while importing a character form Gacha unlocked to Gacha luminal.
help i downloaded it before but then i uninstalled it cuz it was really laggy, reinstalled it and it does not show up in the files and when i go to the downloads icon on google and press open it says, "removing file" so apparently if i try to open it it removes it?
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It seems like the app "Hacker's Keyboard" fixes the problem of the keyboard not showing when trying to type in a character's profile, i do not know if this will work for everyone, but, while the developers are working on the fix, you should try this if you are having this problem.......
(Link to the app and videos below)
Video 1:
Video 2:
It instantally disppears for me when I activate the notification.
can you show a video? Maybe you did something wrong
Usually I just click on the notification, click on the text box and the keyboard appears and can be used, maybe it has something to do with your device? It worked every time I tried to do it
Samsung Galaxy S22
it's better to wait for the fixed version 👍
I have a problem and that is that when I want to put two characters close, either because they are walking and get closer, the clothes glitch and disappear (specifically with the mod's clothes), and my other complaint is that, on the PC, the gacha . It's missing hair and things that are there on the cell phone and in other mods too, I would like you to add them back here please, I want you to please fix those errors because the mod is very good and I wouldn't want to throw it away
we will not be adding any new assets, including the ones on cellphone, they are missing as we used the pc version of Gacha club to make the mod so it’s not a bug. Secondly the disappearing asset issue happens when you use too many new assets on an oc, we currently have no fix as we have asked a lot of mod creators and they can’t find a fix :’)
It wont save my charactor 😭😭😭 it crashes and then no matter what I do the thing I made is gooonnneeeeee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the reason it’s not saving is as to save you need to click ‘exit’ every time, this is why it won’t save if it crashes! it’s crashing due to lag which we are working to fix :)
try to save your characters with the Export and Import function, you can paste the code that you copied by pressing on the text box at Import and clicking on "Paste" 🤤
sometimes when i wear too much items from this mod the shirt and the pants start glitching and dissapearing, heres an example
we are aware, sadly yes, it’s due to wearing too many assets! We currently will not be able to fix this as we have asked many mod creators and they haven’t found a fix yet :(
PT - BR: Mal dá para usar. Quando eu toco para começar, começa a ficar lento, depois de alguns segundos usando o mod, ele trava e sai na minha cara. Como resolvo isso? é algum bug ou é essa mrd de tablet? Mas mesmo assim, o mod parece ser incrível ♡
ENG - USA: It’s barely usable. When I tap it to start it starts to get slow, after a few seconds of using the mod it freezes and comes out in my face. How do I fix this? Is it a bug or is it my sh-tty fkn crappy tablet? But still looking amazing, if i could use it normally ♡
O problema não é o seu tablet, tente mudar a qualidade do jogo para baixa, ajuda um pouco, os desenvolvedores já sabem desse problema e estão tentando o consertar.
eu vi que você contou isso para outra pessoa, mas enfim, obg pela ajuda! edit: MEU DEUS DO CÉU TU É UM GÊNIO FUNCIONOU 😭😭😭😭💞😭💞😭💞💞💞😭💞💞💞😭🎉💞✨😭💞💞💞💞😭🎉👽💖💖 edit 2: mintira só rodou por alguns minutos :’( vou voltar a usar gacha project ultimate trouble ou eu procuro por outro…
infelizmente sim, você pode salvar seus personagens ao usar as funções Exportar e Importar pra você não os perder para sempre, por enquanto você pode usar outros mods até a atualização do Gacha luminal sair 😍😊
exatamente isso que vou fazer: procurar outro mod até ajeitar os bugs. uma pergunta, tu é br?????
sim, por que pergunta? 😅
tbm estou com esse problema
dá pra ver, faz o que o cara disse no meu comentário. ajudou e tá rodando normalmente
it’s likely a mix of the device and lag, the files very big so doesn’t work well on most android devices! We are working to reduce this though :)
that’s ok! i’ll wait!
Sinceramente, o mod é muito bom, mas eu queria que colocassem os narizes antigos, porque tem uma parte pequena da comunidade que usa esses narizes mais realistas para dar o diferenciado, se puderem ver isso eu agradeço muito☹️
Ohhh eu vejo! infelizmente substituímos os menos usados, mas espero que você ainda possa aproveitar o mod! :)
With the PC version of the game, do I have to delete my main gacha save or not? I want to download it there, but I am cautious to until I can figure that out.
Much thanks! ^^
on the pc version it should be okay to leave it the same although oc’s from regular Gacha May appear in the the mods save too!
Is it like a few other mods where its separate on pc? By that, I mean it's separate as in it'll be a new copy separate from your main gacha club? I don't want my characters to be deleted like it does with android..
it will be a new copy yes! Just the characters from your Og Gacha club May show in the mod :D
мод классный,но слишком багованный
мы знаем и работаем над этим :)
Every time I go into the mouths it crashes and resets all My work. Pls fix this :_)
we are aware, if you read the mod’s description it is answered there
You should start to save your characters with the Export and Import function, copy the code and save it somewhere else so that you don't just lose it like that 😅
ik it just did it again but thx for answering :_)
I watched some videos of this mod,so I tried getting it but this mod keeps saying downloading gacha club? Does anyone else have this problem?
it's because it was made with gacha club just download it the way it is the mod will show up.
it’s still the mod! It just has Gacha clubs icon and name :)
Open it and you will see the changes
But it just says app not installd after stagging it
that’s likely due to the fact you may not have deleted Gacha club!
i deleted gacha club but it still says app not installed
Do i need to delete any mods?
any mods that also replace Gacha club you will need to delete, other than that it should be okay
i'deleted gacha club in seeks
Yha me to and it says app not installd and do you want to install an update to an alredy installd app?
I've downloaded the mod and it's amazing... except for one problem, I can't type in any of the boxes for the profile, nor can I import characters. As in my keyboard won't pop up, but the keyboard works for everything else (hence the comment). I'm not sure if it's just me, but if it's something on your end it would be great to get fixed. (Also before you ask, I already tried uninstalling and re-installing)
You can still paste the code that you copied by pressing on the text box in Import and clicking on "Paste", it appears to me, I don't know if it appears to you
Thank you so much!! That worked!! I'm suprised I didn't think of it first :D
That's good to know, also, i found an app that allows you to type in the text boxes, look at the latest comment i have made, it has the links to the app and the videos showing how I did this.
No fair! The hacker keyboard doesn't work for me! (I sound dumb)
you are not dumb at all 😅 I don't know why it does not work for you, this always worked on every phone that I have tested this on, I didn't think about what to do if it didn't work, I am the dumb one for thinking that this method will work for everyone 🤦♂️
This is my 3rd time re trying to download it on my android, the first i had mods and realized they must deleted (so there gone sadly) the 2cd i deleted it and it still said forbidden (so i deleted the full file of it) this is the 3rd time trying to download it and been waiting but it keeps saying forbidden :( this is the only device i can download Mods on i dont know what to do :(
it’s only mods that replace Gacha club! If you still have the Og installed that will be the issue (as you only mentioned deleted mods), other than that I’m sadly not sure :(
So you have to deletet gacha club?
Bro you don't need to delete your mods 😭
the "Forbidden" message did appear when I tried to download the apk once, but then I tried again and the "Forbidden" message did not appear anymore, I don't know why it keeps appearing to you, try to download the apk through other links(try the ones below), if all of them also say forbidden, try to download it using a different browser, if that doesn't work either, try to search how to fix this issue, I am sure that you will find a way 🙏
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
tysm for those links! It did work finally, if i would have known i could have kept the mods i would've 😭, im very grateful!!
That’s amazing! 10/10
I have been here since day 1 ! Super exited to play! (Before I play I'll update y'all) EDIT: my game froze. My tablet crashed. I have a very fast speed tablet. Please fix this asap.
Devs are already working on the fix, wait patiently 😅
As said here (in the page) on YouTube and in the discord, we are aware and working to fix it
This is one of the oc's I made as I was getting use to the mod and I absolutely love the mod especially the little tummy pudge in the jackets as it can be used for so many things!
not instale😭
Do you have other gacha mods or the original gacha club installed?
Não consigo entrar
Pode explicar um pouco mais? Você conseguiu instalar o aplicativo mas ele fecha sozinho depois de entrar ou o aplicativo nem abre?
The Developers are probably already aware of this glitch but thought I should share this with you people
I always save my character after a while so the occasional crashes don't bother me a lot, but when I click on page 5 of Hair Acessory the game immediately crashes, sometimes it doesn't crash and I am able to select the accesories, but then I go to page 6 and it crashes, kind of annoying, after many attempts, I was able to finish my ocs so it's ok, can't wait for it to be fixed 🤣🤣
Sorry for the terrible quality 😭
again as of lag :)
The first one looks cute!
Will there be a 32bit version?
it should work already for 32 bit, one of our preset designers has 32 bit and it worked for them so it may be another issues (maybe you need to delete Gacha club?)
I'll try that
i can't download the mod, when i go to download it it says it is installing but it keeps saying installing even if i have space idk what is up- but from the photos it looks lovely! and when i can install it would i love to try it out!
never mind i was able to install it after i reset my computer
the music for the background is very lovely! and i love the logo! i like how you changed the presets and the weirdcore vibe! tho i do have a few nit picks of presonal biaus: i don't really like the fact some of the assets have been replaced because i can understand why that might be like for time sakes or not knowing how to code really. I also don't really like the fact the base of this mod is made off a older verison of gacha but other then that the mod is really cool i love the colthing and the png export feature, you should really download the mod if you want ^^
The assets were replaced as the mod was started early 2022, at the time it was not know that we could add new assets and when it was found out we were too far in to change any of it! Also the older version is the pc version as the mod was made on pc :)
ty though!!
AAHAHAHUSIHBABH I am so excited I am making oc's then posting them asap.
AA wt- that’s so weird, could be internet/device being too old :’)
My Computer is pretty new 😭
Idk bout the internet tho, It has been kinda buggy these past months
I tried again and it worked now, Pretty weird that it kept making me have to wait like a year multiple times yesterday [I tried to download it like 10 times]
try to download it once you have a stable wifi connection 😭😭
I cant download it beacuse i wont pay
it’s an optional donation! Click ‘no thanks, take me to the downloads’ :)
I love it sm I absolutely love weirdcore and dreamcore. It's just really glitchy and kicks me off as soon as I make a character and deletes the characters it doesnt work to well but I expect that as it's just been made and I appreciate all the work and effort it's amazing and I'm really excited:)
as said in the description of the mod we are aware and working to fix it :)
Olá anjinho, não consigo entrar, tipo assim quando eu entro vai numa boa mas quando vou lá e coloco minha idade e entro da pra ver um pouco mas aí do nada a tela fica preta e o gacha sai, vc poderia por gentileza ajeitar isso pq eu queria muito fazer minha oc😞😿
Obg por ler「★」
Tente ir nas configurações/opções e mude a qualidade para Baixa, vai ajudar um pouco, O Time Luminal está tentando consertar esse problema.
Qual na do jogo?? O jogo nem abri direito anjinho, a única coisa que dá pra ver em apenas 2 segundos é só o boneco.
Obg mesmo assim anjinho vou instalar o gacha art de novo.
O aplicativo fecha sem você ter apertado em algo? Pra mim o aplicativo abre, porém trava muito e fecha depois de um tempo, se limpar o cache do aplicativo, reinstalar o aplicativo e reiniciar o seu dispositivo não resolve o problema, é melhor esperar pela atualização 😅
Se por alguma chance você conseguir abrir o aplicativo, tente fazer o que eu te falei
Aliás, não é necessário desinstalar o Gacha Art e nem outros mods do gacha Club para conseguir instalar o Gacha Luminal, você pode usar um editor de apk(APK Editor) para mudar o nome do pacote do aplicativo e assim você poderá instalar qualquer mod sem ter que desinstalar outros, você terá que fazer isso toda ver que tiver esse problema ao tentar instalar um mod, mas funciona 🤣🤣
eu não tenho apk editor, pior que tá acontecendo oq aconteceu no meu celular tá acontecendo do mesmo jeito no celular da minha mãe, mas vou esperar as atualizações acho que vai funcionar quando atualizarem, obg de novo pela ajuda de novo♥️
Espero que você possa jogar quando a atualização for lançada, mesmo com o app travando continuo a jogar porque é um mod muito maneiro, posso te enviar um link do apk editor que eu uso e te mostrar um vídeo que eu gravei ensinando como mudar o nome do pacote ☺️
And this mod looks great
How do I get it bc it says I don't have permission
I know that you are upset but please stop commenting the same thing over and over, it will not solve the problem, Team Luminal has already read your comments, you need to properly explain what's the problem so that they can help you, wish you the best 🙏🙏
again, please do not post this much. Please reply to the comment instead of posting new ones each time! Your device may not allow downloads from or you have an app that means it won’t download (gacha club or a mod that replaces it)
would u do another gacha mod? but on gacha life! I'll let u decide! Don't be stressed, you'll do it when y'all be ready!
sadly I probably won’t be making any more mods (unless I make it in private and then release it) as the community can be quite harsh with deadlines XD
Tysm though!
np ✨😍🤩
Hey Sam I was just asking if you could help me make a gacha mod
hi! This is not a good place to ask as it’s very inactive! Maybe ask via YouTube or a discord server?
Oh sorry
no need to apologise! Just you’ll probably be able to find more people to help in other places :D
grrr this mod is literally so tasty⁉️⁉️ its glitchy but like if i had to rate it YUMMMMM/10
tysm! We’re working to fix the bugs :)
its so good!!!
The download went smoothly, but once I try to install it couldn't open it as an app. I'm not exactly sure if I have to delete the gacha club itself so it can install properly as intended or another way of sort.
sadly you need to delete the Og Gacha club
Alright, I needed to start fresh anyway
My phone says this will take 3 hours to download ;-;
That’s ages- it’s should only take a few minutes at most, it’s likely due to your device :’)
I liked the mod, the problem is that it has a replacement system, and it took away items that I used to make oc's, other than that, the mod is very cool (i used translator, sorry bout my poor english)![]()
edit: there's this very annoying glitch that makes things go invisible??
Import feature doesn't work properly.
For some reason, the GIF doesn't play completely, but it's meant to show me trying to import an oc with no modified values, but from a different mod (Gacha Unlocked) and it says it imported, but nothing happens. But when I copy the code for the default boy, and import that to a different slot, it works.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the keyboard doesn't work
I tried to import a character from Gacha unlocked to Gacha luminal the same that way you did and it worked!
I made a character in Gacha unlocked, Exported the Code and imported it to Gacha luminal, it Worked, but strangely, on the first attempt at importing the character, the color of the shirt was black, but the color was supposed to be a color similar to peach(the color of the shirt had same color as the skin), and then, on the second attempt at importing the character, the color of the shirt was back to normal, I imported the character a few more times, but the glitch of the black shirt never happened again!
Though I have not tested if importing characters from various mods to Gacha luminal works properly, I haven't found any major issues while importing a character form Gacha unlocked to Gacha luminal.
it does not work
hi! Please do not make this many posts, just post once as we can try and help.
How exactly is it not working?
help i downloaded it before but then i uninstalled it cuz it was really laggy, reinstalled it and it does not show up in the files and when i go to the downloads icon on google and press open it says, "removing file" so apparently if i try to open it it removes it?
that’s weird, I haven’t seen it before so I don’t think it’s a glitch, either your device won’t allow it or you have Og Gacha club installed maybe?